Are you ready for another weekend of creativity?
Right here on location in County Louth?
Grab your paints and painting gear, let’s go!
A two day event -
Saturday 5 July 2025 in Anaverna House, Ravensdale
Sunday 6 July 2025 - to be announced
guaranteed stunning locations in Co Louth
Two Days painting in the great outdoors
Start of each day arrive at the registration desk to sign in.
On Day1, get your name badges, goodies and canvas stamped.
Have a look around and choose your spot to paint -wherever takes your fancy.
Paint for the day until 4.30 when we finish up for the end of day display.
Bring your painting on its easel to the central location assigned, add it to the others displayed
Have a chat with other artists and a look at what was produced on the day.
Whomever the judges or your peers select are the winners And
You, the artist - well you get to choose your favourite too via our voting system - You decide who wins The People’s Choice
After this, we pack up and head home fulfilled from a day of painting, networking, chatting and having a good time.
Ready to do it again in the Sunday