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Moody blue oil painting of Nanny Cott    age alongside the Nanny river in Laytown, Co Meath,  Sunrise orangey sky with dark blue clouds reflected in the water below.  THe ripples of the sand under the water in the foreground leads the eye in to the middle of the painting and the reflections of the thatched cottage and house..Photo by Tony Campbell, used with permission.  art for sale.  gift ideas.  Ireland. Meath.  scenic, atmospheric
Room setting with the blue Nanny Cottage painting on the wall and blue brown cream accessories and sofa beneath in the room setting image.  Shown in a black frame with a white mount to show the drama of the colours.  Art gift. scenic, atmospheric. sunrise Ireland
close up detail photo of the blue Nanny Cottage painting  Showing textures and colour

A Sky That Has No Limits 🔴 SOLD

Leonora Reilly Art
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A Unique Art Gift - a present for a loved one here in Ireland or abroad.   Worldwide shipping is offered.

Unframed size   12 x 16"   

Oils on canvas board panel.  Framed in white  

Photo inspiration from photo by Tony Campbell, with permission.   

Amazing colours in the sky and sea framing Nanny Cottage with its neighbours.  Loving the saturated inky blues and peachy tones reflecting all over the artwork.  This is my second painting of Nanny Cottage and in complete contrast to the first.  Will be dearly missed from my studio when this painting finds its new home.

Nanny Cottage, Laytown, Co Meath



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